President of the 2020 CSUQ CUP
When I was asked to preside over the 2020 CSUQ Soccer tournament, I immediately accepted. This was my opportunity to give back to a community that has given me so much. Having immigrated to Canada from Israel, my family and I didn’t know many people in Montreal and certainly not in the Jewish community. However, thanks to the Communauté Sepharade Unifiée du Quebec, I had the good fortune to participate in, and benefit from, various programs such as the Camp Benyamin, the Leadership program and the Voyage Retour aux Sources. These programs have helped me to create lifelong relationships that transcended into both my personal and my professional life in Real Estate. It is now my honour and privilege to have the chance to give back.
The soccer tournament is one that is close to my heart. I was first introduced to the tournament as a player 4 years ago. Last year I was asked to participate in the organizing committee under the leadership and presidency of Patrick Bensoussan, and now I have had the honour of being named president, a position that I plan to handle whole-heartedly, with conviction and dedication.
With the help of a powerful and resourceful team, it is our goal to bring to new heights, the already successful job that has been done by my predecessors. We want to make the CSUQ 2020 Soccer Tournament a place where members of our community can come together and spread the word that these amazing opportunities exist for our youth, all while raising funds to help ensure that these programs continue. It is also very important that as community leaders we reach out and help shape the next generation of leaders. It is widely accepted that team sports create bonds that last a lifetime, as well as teaching comradery, team spirit, and the vision to accomplish a common goal. This tournament is a great way for them to get involved and contribute to something special.
This coming May, we will host over 100 participants and their families for a chance to compete and be entertained. We hope to see you all there, whether it be as a participant, sponsor or volunteer. All are welcome!
~Ofir Levy